Sherlock Holmes Quotes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"Now is the dramatic moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for good or ill." ~ The Hound of the Baskervilles

"There is nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you." ~ The Hound of the Baskervilles

"I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of everyday life. You have shown your relish for it by the enthusiasm which has prompted you to chronicle, and, if you will excuse my saying so, somewhat to embellish so many of my own little adventures." ~ The Red-Headed League

"Experience," said Holmes, laughing. "Indirectly it may be of value, you know; you have only to put it into words to gain the reputation of being excellent company for the remainder of your existence." ~ The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb

"Oh, a trusty comrade is always of use; and a chronicler still more so." ~ The Man with the Twisted Lip

"But love is an emotional thing, and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things. I should never marry myself, lest I bias my judgment." ~ The Sign of The Four

"Winwood Reade is good upon the subject," said Holmes. "He remarks that, while the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. " ~ The Sign of The Four

"Here you are, doggy! Good old Toby! Smell it, Toby, smell it!" He pushed the creasote handkerchief under the dog's nose, while the creature stood with its fluffy legs separated, and with a most comical cock to its head, like a connoisseur sniffing the bouquet of a famous vintage. ~ The Sign of The Four

"I cannot live without brain-work. What else is there to live for?" ~ The Sign of The Four

"No, no: I never guess. It is a shocking habit,--destructive to the logical faculty." ~ The Sign of The Four

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