Friends and Family
Learn more about the friends and family of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Charles Altamont Doyle – Conan Doyle’s Father

Conan Doyle said this of his father, "He had his weaknesses, as all of us have ours, but he also had some very remarkable and outstanding virtues."
Mary Foley Doyle, Conan Doyle’s Mother

Mary Foley Doyle, the mother of Arthur Conan Doyle, saved the Doyle family from ruin when her husband was institutionalized. She also had a mysterious relationship with a man fifteen years her junior.
Conan Doyle’s Marriages

A man is torn between loyalty to his dying wife and the passion he feels for another woman. This isn't the plot of a romance novel, it was Arthur Conan Doyle's daily struggle for almost ten years.